Tuesday 20 October 2009

Radio Basics

Radio Jingles are used for many different things. Here is a list of the different uses for Jingles:

Advertising - Such as for an event coming up or a show on later.
Radioshows - To tell the audience when a show is on and what happens in it.
Product Advertising - Obviously to advertise a certain product or brand, possibly a sponsor of the show.
Station Indents - A quick audio clip shouting out what station the listener is listening to.
News - Introducing the news.

The first thing a stations does when deciding on a radio jingle is to decide on the target audience and work from there. Different audiences have different listening needs. Once this has been established the style can easily be identified and put together using the simple Codes and Conventions as well as looking at the initial things which should always be included in a jingle.

The codes and conventions are listed below:

Sound effects
Reletive Info
Appropriate for Audience
Must Identify Station
Name of Presenter and Show
Time and Length of Show

This list must be consulted and followed when making certain Jingles.

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